Seed Chocolate Peru Gran Chililique 75% 91/100

This bar is made using cocoa beans from the Piura region of north west Peru, sourced directly in collaboration with CacaoTales. Once harvested they’re shipped to Stoke on Trent where James Walter turns them into one of Seed’s chocolate bars.

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Seed Chocolate Peru Gran Nativo Blanco 88%

This bar is made using cocoa beans from the Piura region of north west Peru, sourced directly in collaboration with CacaoTales. Once harvested they’re shipped to Stoke on Trent where James Walter turns them into one of Seed’s chocolate bars.

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Cacao Elora Peru Matcha White 40% 87/100

This bar is made with cocoa butter from Peru. Once harvested this cocoa butter is shipped to Cacao Elora’s home just outside of Matlock in Derbyshire where It’s turned into one of their chocolate bars.

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Cacao Elora Colombia Huila Dark Milk & Colombian Coffee 60% 90/100

This bar is made with cocoa beans from the Huila region of south western Colombia. Once harvested these beans are shipped to Cacao Elora’s home just outside of Matlock in Derbyshire where they are turned into one of their chocolate bars. 

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Cacao Elora Ecuador Costa Esmeraldos Dark Milk 68% 89/100

This bar is made with cocoa beans from the Esmeraldas coast in western Ecuador. Once harvested these beans are shipped to Cacao Elora’s home just outside of Matlock in Derbyshire where they are turned into one of their chocolate bars. 

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